Spring Break: Rose City Futsal

Over Spring Break I went to Rose City Futsal for a futsal camp.  We worked on drills for speed, finishing/shooting, and passing.  We played MLS World Cup and my team was the Red Bulls. My favorite MLS team is the Portland Timbers.   The coaches there were: coach Ryan, coach Eduardo, and coach Matt.  Coach Eduardo was once one of my brother’s coaches!  One of the coaches (coach Ryan)  was from England. Another (coach Eduardo)  was from Brazil.  Click on the picture below to go to the Rose City Futsal website.  What your favorite MLS team?  If you’re from another country, what is your favorite club team?


Orville Wright

My great person is Orville Wright.  He was a printer, bike manufacturer, and one of the inventors of the airplane.  He changed the world by being the “First to Fly”.  The bicycle shop he and Wilbur started was called the Wright Cycle Company.  The newspaper they printed was called the West Side News.  Here is one of his most famous quotes:




Cats are awesome!  There are between 39 and 49 breeds of cats in the world.  Above there is a funny video about cats and how much this person likes cats.    Did you know that a cat’s heart beats five times faster than a human?  Post on the Padlet below.

 Here are some facts about cats: Cats sleep 16-18 hours a day.  Almost 10% of a cat’s bones are in it’s tail.  A cat can make about 100 different sounds, while a dog can only make about 10.  A cat can jump up to five times its own height in one jump.  Some cats have survived 65-foot falls.  The heaviest cat ever weighed 47 pounds.  A cat lover is called an Ailurophilia.

Here is a picture of the cute Puss in Boots and a cat playing on the iPad.


The Chinese Gardens

On March 10, my mom, my brother, and I went to the Lan Su Chinese Gardens in Portland, Oregon.  The garden has more than 300 plant species.  I was able to get some nice pictures of the plants.  Even though it is located in the city, it is very peaceful and relaxing.  You don’t even notice the traffic and noise outside.  It’s as if they have soundproof walls.  My favorite part was going to the Tower of Cosmic Reflections, also known as the Teahouse.  At the Tower, I had two dumplings, some horsebeans, or roasted fava beans. I also had some great-tasting tea.  I would recommend visiting it if you are ever in Portland.


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Great People Hall Of Fame

On March 12, 2015 second grade of Stafford Primary School in the MPR did the Great Person Hall Of Fame.  I was Orville Wright!  Some other important people at second grade’s hall of fame were Daniel Boone, Neil Armstrong, MLK Jr, and Abraham Lincoln. Below is Orville Wright, one of the inventors of the airplane.  For me, the Great People Hall of Fame was really fun.  Who do you admire?



How Much Sugar is in What We Commonly Eat and Drink?


IMG_0358“How much sugar is in what we commonly eat and drink?” That was my question in the science fair. Our research found that people consume 17.7 grams per day, all leading up to 66 POUNDS a year. Can you believe that a 20 oz. Coca-Cola has 65 grams of sugar!?  How much sugar do you consume each day? There are over 60 different names for sugar on food labels.  In the USA, they are trying to pass a law that will show how much “added sugar” is in a product.  That would make it much easier to know how much sugar companies add to foods.  Here is video about sugar intake.


Here are some links to websites about sugar intake: heart.org, authoritynutrition.com, SugarStacks.com, SugarScience.org, and Parents.com.

  1. Americans consume 66 POUNDS of sugar a year.
  2. There are over 6O names for added sugar on food labels.
  3. Today, 31% of adults and 13% of kids suffer from NAFLD.  (Non-alcoholic fatty-liver disease)
  4. To make food “low fat”, many food companies replaced the fat with added sugars.


Storybird is a fun online writing tool.  Above is my Storybird. Here is how you make a book: First, choose the art you want to use in your story. Next, write your story. Edit your story. Finally, publish your story. That’s how you make a book. After you make your book, you may want to read other people’s books. Have you ever used Storybird?  Post on the Padlet below.


Every Friday our class has vocabulary practice. We learn words like megalomaniac, cacophony,  floccinaucinihilipilification, and pandemonium. Our vocabulary teacher is actually a Stafford grandma. Her name is Gaga. Well, at least that’s what we call her. My favorite word she’s taught us is floccinaucinihilipilification. We get plastic coins and collect them. If you get 20 coins you get to get a king size candy bar. I have a bag of Skittles from her. At the end of class we play a game called Blurt. Vocabulary is really fun. What is the definition of floccinaucinihilipilification?


Great People

In school we are starting to research great people. We are looking at their character traits, where and when they were born, and interesting facts about them. We’re choosing our top 3 choices for our person we want to be. Mine are: #1: The Wright Brothers, #2: Lewis and Clark, and #3 : Nelson Mandela. I think it will be really fun to study great people. Click on the picture below to see some biographies.




Property Brothers

Me and my family are thinking about remodeling our house. We’ve been watching many “Property Brothers” on HGTV to help us get ideas. The realtor’s name is Drew, and the contractor’s is Jonathan. They take pretty bad houses and turn them into awesome ones. Each person they help has a budget. The lowest budget I’ve seen is $160,000. The highest has been $935,000. The Property Brothers can get it done in 3.5 weeks or more. At the start of the show they show them a house that has all their requests, but usually they are way over their budget. Some are a little overpriced, but whoever they are showing always like it. If you are thinking about a remodel, I would recommend watching it.

Have you ever seen Property Brothers?
