Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park was the first National Park, established in 1872, before Wyoming was a state.  President Roosevelt started the National Park system.  At the North Entrance of the park, there is a famous arch called the Roosevelt Arch.  The words “For the Benefit and Enjoyment of the People” are engraved on the top of the arch.  The arch was completed in 1903.

What words would you put on the arch?


The Roosevelt Arch

I went rock climbing with my brother, Owen.  I had a great time! We were able to climb high. We found a cave and also a set of antlers.



 Lower Falls, one out at least 45 named waterfalls and cascades, and hundreds more unnamed, even undiscovered waterfalls over 15 feet (4.6 m) high, plummets 308 feet in the Yellowstone river. It is probably the second most photographed spot in Yellowstone.


Hiking down to Lower Falls

Lower Falls from Artists Pont

Lower Falls from Artists Point




The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when you discover that someone else believes in you and is willing to trust you with a FRIENDSHIP.  -Unknown


One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.  -Lucius Annaeus Senneca.

A best friend is not someone who is always there for you.  It is someone who understands you a bit more than you understand yourself.  -Unknown

Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain.  It is not something you learn in school.  But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.  -Muhammad Ali

Good friends are like stars.  You don’t always see them but you know they’re there.  -Unknown

Ecosystem VoiceThread

Above is an example of a web tool called VoiceThread.  I’m the second person talking.  I’m am an arctic fox.  To start, just click on the picture of the giraffe.  A VoiceThread is a great way to have a discussion or conversation about a topic online. The discussion takes place around a picture or a video that you upload from your computer. It is also a good way to share our work with others.

What did you learn from the VoiceThread?

Hi in 50 Languages

Below is how to say hello in 50 languages.

I used Google Translate.

  1.  Hi-English
  2. Hola-Spanish
  3. O-si-yo-Cheerokee
  4. హలో-Telugu
  5. ہیلو-Urdu
  6. مرحبا-Arabic
  7. Olá-Portuguese
  8. สวัสดี-Thai
  9. Sawubona-Zulu
  10. שלום-Hebrew
  11. नमस्ते-Hindi
  12. Habari-Swahili
  13. Salve-Latin
  14. ಹಲೋ-Kannada
  15. Xin chào-Vietnamese
  16. Salom-Uzbek
  17. こんにちは-Japanese
  18. Sveiki-Latvian
  19. ਸਤ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ-Punjabi
  20. Pẹlẹ O-Yoruba
  21. Lumela-Sethoso
  22.  здравствуйте-Russian
  23. Ciao-Italian
  24. Hallo-German
  25. হ্যালো-Bengali
  26. салом-Tajik
  27. ഹലോ-Malayalam
  28. ਸਤ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ-Punjabi
  29. Helo-Welsh
  30. Dad’atay-Apache
  31. Allo-Albanian
  32. 你好-Chinese(Simplified)
  33. 您好-Chinese(Traditional)
  34. Добры дзень-Belorussian
  35. Zdravo-Croatian
  36. ஹலோ-Tamil
  37. Saluton-Esperanto
  38. Alo-Romanian
  39. nnọọ-Igbo
  40. Hello-Filipino
  41. Bonjou-Haitan Creole
  42. გამარჯობა-Georgian
  43. Здраво-Macedonian
  44. ආයුබෝවන්-Sinhala
  45. Ahoj-Czech
  46. नमस्कार-Nepali
  47. ជំរាបសួរ-Khmer
  48. हॅलो-Marathi
  49. ສະບາຍດີ-Lao
  50. હેલો-Gujarati


Orville Wright

My great person is Orville Wright.  He was a printer, bike manufacturer, and one of the inventors of the airplane.  He changed the world by being the “First to Fly”.  The bicycle shop he and Wilbur started was called the Wright Cycle Company.  The newspaper they printed was called the West Side News.  Here is one of his most famous quotes:




Cats are awesome!  There are between 39 and 49 breeds of cats in the world.  Above there is a funny video about cats and how much this person likes cats.    Did you know that a cat’s heart beats five times faster than a human?  Post on the Padlet below.

 Here are some facts about cats: Cats sleep 16-18 hours a day.  Almost 10% of a cat’s bones are in it’s tail.  A cat can make about 100 different sounds, while a dog can only make about 10.  A cat can jump up to five times its own height in one jump.  Some cats have survived 65-foot falls.  The heaviest cat ever weighed 47 pounds.  A cat lover is called an Ailurophilia.

Here is a picture of the cute Puss in Boots and a cat playing on the iPad.


The Chinese Gardens

On March 10, my mom, my brother, and I went to the Lan Su Chinese Gardens in Portland, Oregon.  The garden has more than 300 plant species.  I was able to get some nice pictures of the plants.  Even though it is located in the city, it is very peaceful and relaxing.  You don’t even notice the traffic and noise outside.  It’s as if they have soundproof walls.  My favorite part was going to the Tower of Cosmic Reflections, also known as the Teahouse.  At the Tower, I had two dumplings, some horsebeans, or roasted fava beans. I also had some great-tasting tea.  I would recommend visiting it if you are ever in Portland.


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How Much Sugar is in What We Commonly Eat and Drink?


IMG_0358“How much sugar is in what we commonly eat and drink?” That was my question in the science fair. Our research found that people consume 17.7 grams per day, all leading up to 66 POUNDS a year. Can you believe that a 20 oz. Coca-Cola has 65 grams of sugar!?  How much sugar do you consume each day? There are over 60 different names for sugar on food labels.  In the USA, they are trying to pass a law that will show how much “added sugar” is in a product.  That would make it much easier to know how much sugar companies add to foods.  Here is video about sugar intake.


Here are some links to websites about sugar intake:,,,, and

  1. Americans consume 66 POUNDS of sugar a year.
  2. There are over 6O names for added sugar on food labels.
  3. Today, 31% of adults and 13% of kids suffer from NAFLD.  (Non-alcoholic fatty-liver disease)
  4. To make food “low fat”, many food companies replaced the fat with added sugars.


Every Friday our class has vocabulary practice. We learn words like megalomaniac, cacophony,  floccinaucinihilipilification, and pandemonium. Our vocabulary teacher is actually a Stafford grandma. Her name is Gaga. Well, at least that’s what we call her. My favorite word she’s taught us is floccinaucinihilipilification. We get plastic coins and collect them. If you get 20 coins you get to get a king size candy bar. I have a bag of Skittles from her. At the end of class we play a game called Blurt. Vocabulary is really fun. What is the definition of floccinaucinihilipilification?


Great People

In school we are starting to research great people. We are looking at their character traits, where and when they were born, and interesting facts about them. We’re choosing our top 3 choices for our person we want to be. Mine are: #1: The Wright Brothers, #2: Lewis and Clark, and #3 : Nelson Mandela. I think it will be really fun to study great people. Click on the picture below to see some biographies.