How Much Sugar is in What We Commonly Eat and Drink?


IMG_0358“How much sugar is in what we commonly eat and drink?” That was my question in the science fair. Our research found that people consume 17.7 grams per day, all leading up to 66 POUNDS a year. Can you believe that a 20 oz. Coca-Cola has 65 grams of sugar!?  How much sugar do you consume each day? There are over 60 different names for sugar on food labels.  In the USA, they are trying to pass a law that will show how much “added sugar” is in a product.  That would make it much easier to know how much sugar companies add to foods.  Here is video about sugar intake.


Here are some links to websites about sugar intake:,,,, and

  1. Americans consume 66 POUNDS of sugar a year.
  2. There are over 6O names for added sugar on food labels.
  3. Today, 31% of adults and 13% of kids suffer from NAFLD.  (Non-alcoholic fatty-liver disease)
  4. To make food “low fat”, many food companies replaced the fat with added sugars.
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7 thoughts on “How Much Sugar is in What We Commonly Eat and Drink?

  • 03/06/2015 at 5:29 am

    Hi Ethan,

    Hidden sugars is a great topic for a science fair project! You are right, there are lots of hidden sugars in foods. I used to think that a smoothie was a healthy snack for me, but when I realized how much sugar was added, I started to question my assumption. Do you think smoothies are healthy snacks?

    Kind regards,
    Mrs. Watanabe

    • 03/13/2015 at 1:30 am

      Dear Tracy Watanbe,
      I found out that one 16oz Jamba Juice in Mango Mantra flavor has 30 grams of sugar, in the “light” group. It does, however, have half the amount of sugar. If you make your own smoothies at home, they probably will be healthy.Some smoothies are healthy, while others are not.

      • 03/17/2015 at 3:40 am

        Hi Ethan,

        Thanks for doing that research for me! I think you might be right about making it at home because I can control the ingredients I use and the quantity I make.

        Kind regards,
        Mrs. Watanabe

        • 03/27/2015 at 2:43 pm

          Hi Tracy,
          I always make them at home when my grandparents come over. We often use these ingredients in ours: bananas, blueberries, strawberries, orange juice, yogurt, and ice.

          • 03/28/2015 at 10:31 pm

            That sounds great!

  • 03/13/2015 at 3:47 pm

    Hi I’m Owen and I live in Virginia, I really like your blog post about how much sugar we consume daily. This is something that really makes me think about the drinks I drink. If you would like to visit me go to

  • 04/11/2015 at 5:11 am

    I really learned a lot about sugar from your blog and science project. I can’t believe how much sugar is in ketchup. Do you happen to know if Pure Cane Sugar is better than processed sugar, or is it really all bad for you?


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